Category Archives: Committees

Letter on 9/11 to the Editor of Columbia Flier, 9/28/2001

Patapsco Friends Meeting
Mt. Hebron House, 2331 Calvin Circle, Ellicott City, MD 21042
“Walk gently over the earth answering that of God in everyone.”
George Fox

28 September 2001

Editor, Columbia Flier/Howard County Times
10750 Little Patuxent Parkway
Columbia, MD 21044

Dear Editor:

I am writing on behalf of the Patapsco Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Howard County to express our grief and condolences for all persons harmed by the September 11th attacks in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and to convey our deep concerns about the course of action our government and others may take in retribution. We are also deeply saddened and alarmed by reports of violence and harrassment directed toward our Muslim neighbors and fellow citizens.

As Quakers, we oppose war and violence. (We encourage persons wishing to know more about Quakers and our 340-year peace testimony to join us in silent worship on Sunday morning or review our website at As a nation and a world at this time in history when we live so closely together, we can no longer tolerate war. With reflection, wisdom, prayer, and divine guidance, we can do justice to the criminal and the innocent; and we can work together with our friends around the world to understand and justly address those conditions that breed hatred and violence.

The persons who led, directed, and committed the September 11th attacks committed crimes against humanity and they should be apprehended and tried accordingly. People of all races, creeds, religions, and economic and political conditions around the world support the United States in bringing these individuals to justice. Our leaders should use this unprecedented opportunity to forge coalitions to ensure peace and understanding between nations, not to divide the world into those who are “for us or against us.”

When war is waged, innocent people inevitably die. The immediate attention of a U.S. led “War Against Terrorism” would likely be Osama bin Laden and the Taliban leaders of Afghanistan. If news stories this week are correct, the Taliban is forcing young boys who do not support their regime to join their fight and come under American attack. In war, despite proclamations otherwise, none are spared. We must expect a higher standard of our President, our Congress, and our people.

Criminal acts against our citizens and many others in our country do not justify our bringing harm or death to other innocent men, women and children by indisciminate acts of war. We most deeply, reverently, and lovingly ask our leaders not to continue the error of a “War Against Terrorism” which will surely lead to our committing the same wrongs against others as we have suffered, followed by more hatred, more violence, and more death.

We hope to honor those who died on September 11th by not killing other persons in their names, but to make a memorial to their lives by undertaking to build a better world. We ask for justice, not war.


Sherri Morgan, Clerk


Minute deliberating response to 9/11 from 9/23/2001

Below is an item from the minutes of the meeting for worship with a concern for business, 9/23/2001, reviewing possible responses to 9/11.  One result was posting a list on our website which would be updated with further ideas, which follows below.

Attacks on the U.S.

The clerk said that this is a pivotal time for our Meeting, and that now, with our larger Meeting, we’re able to be a resource to the community.

The Business Meeting held a brainstorming session on how our Meeting could respond to this tragedy and the threat of military retaliation. Due to the large number of ideas and the short time available, Friends agreed to post the list of suggested actions, inviting interested Friends to join with others in those actions they felt led to. Ideas included:

  • Holding a public meeting of healing and peace at Hebron House.
  • Contacting the local Muslim community in order to support it. A related idea is to adopt Muslim businesses and to attend worship services.
  • Organize a vigil to promote positive ways to deal with a response. All Howard County churches should be invited, and it should take place in a public place at a highly-visible time.
  • Holding a workshop on waging peace with other congregations.
  • A letter to the editor of local newspapers by the clerk of the Meeting.
  • Helping the children of the meeting to deal with the tragedy. Ideas: Meeting with adults; poster-making or letter-writing session; or within the First-Day School format
  • Provide a place to have a wall of questions, with space for answers.
  • Putting into the Silent Announcements that each at 7:30 p.m. each Thursday, Sandy Spring Meeting holds a mid-week worship service that one can attend should one wish
  • A committee to coach conscientious objectors
  • Making a Peace Banner “Pray for Peace”
  • Writing a commendation for Representative Barbara Lee, who voted against giving President Bush the approval to lead a war effort.

Actions approved included:

Bob Rhudy will write a letter to the editor, to be signed by the Clerk of the Meeting, regarding our response.

Putting into Silent Announcements a note about Sandy Spring’s Thurs.service

Susan Rose will order the publication on conscientious objection for use by the meeting or those who contact us for information. Bob Rhudy and Jerry Girbach will work on this activity.

Sherri Morgan will write a commendation for Barbara Lee and cc it to the Maryland Representatives.

It was noted that on September 11, the day of the attack, that there was a short silent worship at Hebron House, and also that the Advancement and Outreach committee has purchased an advertisement in the Columbia Flier to help the community to know about our presence.

from our former website:

Suggested Responses to the Events of Sep. 11 and its Aftermath

Proposed by Patapsco Friends at Meeting for Business, 9/23/01

Friends are invited to join with others who have expressed an interest in the activities below to plan concerted action. Friends are encouraged strongly to consult with other Friends, either individually or in collaboration with existing committees when developing actions that speak for the meeting as a whole. Please feel free to add additional ideas to the list below, along with your name as a contact.

  • Hold called Meetings for Healing–at least some to be advertised to the wider community (Eliz. Saria–was volunteered)(in process)
  • Place an announcement about the Meeting in the Columbia Flier. Proposed wording: “Silence. Simplicity. Acceptance. Action.” (A&O Committee)(in process)
  • Reach out to the local Muslim community and find ways we can learn more about Islam, offer support to Muslim businesses (adopt a business?), worship together(?) (Eliz. Saria)
  • Coordinate an interfaith vigil to promote positive, peaceful responses to Sep. 11 attacks (maybe at the lake side or some very visible location?)(Sherri Morgan, Ramona Buck. Resource: Emma Byrne)(beginning)
  • Offer a workshop or conference on “Waging Peace.”
  • Send a letter to the editor from the meeting (Bob Rhudy, Sherri Morgan, Resource: Jean Leslie)(Done)
  • Teaching peace to children in the meeting (a special meeting; in First Day School; a letter writing activity to the firefighters)
  • Offering mid-week meetings for worship (place announcements about Sandy Spring and Sheppard -Pratt) (Sherri Morgan)(partly done)
  • Help the children of the meeting develop a better understanding of current events to allay their fears and assist them in developing a personal, age-appropriate response (one suggestion was to put up paper on the walls for children to write their questions–there was not consensus as to this specific action)
  • Make/purchase/display a peace banner (Sherri Morgan)
  • Provide materials about conscientious objection and decisions about enlisting in the military (Susan Rose was volunteered; Sherri Morgan, others?)
  • Send a letter of commendation to Barbara Lee (the only member of congress to vote against President Bush’s request for unprecedented powers to take aggressive action against the perpetrators of Sep. 11) with copies to Maryland’s senators and our representative (in process)

Minute on Personal Assistance Fund (9/2000)

From the minutes of the meeting for worship with a concern for business, 9/24/2000:

Personal Assistance Fund (see attached, as modified): This proposal was approved on a second reading with some revisions. In summary, a separate fund is to be established to accept voluntary contributions from the meeting to assist those who are in need. The fund will be administered by a committee to consisting of one individual appointed by the M&O committee, the treasurer and one nominated individual. The PAF committee will report annually to the Meeting for Business. The committee will determine the eligibility criteria for use of the fund.

Minute on a Personal Assistance Fund for Patapsco Friends Preparative Meeting

from Ministry and Oversight Committee

Ministry and Oversight Committee proposes that:

  • a Personal Assistance Fund be established to which members and attenders may contribute as they are led;
  • monies in this fund be accounted for separately from the general operating funds of the Meeting;
  • payments into and out of the fund be reported to the Meeting at least annually;
  • that a Personal Assistance Committee be appointed to oversee disbursements from this fund.


If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food,

And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; not withstanding ye give them not those things which are useful to the body; what doeth it profit?

Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

James 2: 15-17

The committee that oversees this fund shall be available in a timely way to members and attenders who have bodily needs: food, clothing, shelter or medical needs which if not met quickly are likely to become urgent. Requests for aid should be made to the clerk of the committee.

Responsibilities of Personal Assistance committee members and of those requesting aid:

Members of the committee should be prepared to act as a clearness committee for the one requesting help so that all are clear as to the nature of the help being requested, the level of help being requested, the likely duration of the problem and the ability of the committee to give the requested aid.

Members should be knowledgeable about public and private services available to meet bodily needs. The committee should help the person requesting aid to develop a plan to apply for available public and private assistance and help the person requesting aid to make applications for available public and private assistance both to meet short-term needs and long-term needs if necessary.

Members should be prepared to follow up with the person requesting aid and to provide spiritual support.

The business of the committee shall be conducted in strict confidence. If, however, the committee and person requesting aid are clear the problem is not a bodily need, or goes beyond bodily need or that the need exceeds the resources of the Personal Assistance Fund, then, with the agreement of the person requesting aid, the committee may refer the problem to another committee or to the Meeting as a whole.

Repayment of disbursements from the fund:

Disbursements made from the fund shall be considered non-interest bearing loans. After a disbursement has been made, it shall be the responsibility of the committee and the person requesting aid to establish a plan for repayment. The plan should be one that the person requesting aid can in good faith agree to. Aid should not be dependent on the likelihood of repayment.

Committee Members:

The committee shall have 3 members, all of whom shall be members of the Religious Society of Friends and regular attenders at Patapsco Meeting. One member shall be appointed from and by Ministry and Oversight Committee, one shall be Treasurer of the Meeting (or appointed from and by Finance Committee when such committee is established by the Meeting) and one shall be appointed by the Meeting through its nominating process. Term shall be for two years.

After approval by the Meeting of the members of the committee, it will meet to select a clerk, review its purpose and determine any other necessary business. All other meetings will be called.

Approved by Ministry and Oversight Committee, Patapsco Friends Preparative Meeting, 8th month, 8th day, 2000.

The Work of our Meeting, 1998


(as approved by the Meeting for Business, 1 November 1998)



Lead the affairs of the meeting Clerk/Assistant clerk
Manage financial affairs Treasurer
Take notes/publish Business Meeting minutes; maintain Meeting records Recording clerk
Publish a newsletter for members/attenders (making sure to send to new comers) Recording clerk – For now, minutes sent out by will serve as newsletter.
Working with Sandy Spring Friends Meeting on Preparatory Meeting status Ad hoc committee – sunset once decision is made by SSFM on preparatory meeting status
Point of contact with Mt. Hebron Mt. Hebron coordinator
Facilitating discussion groups Ad hoc committee of participants
Facilitating meetings for healing Ad hoc committee of participants
Prepare directory Directory editor
Maintain name tags Oversight by directory editor
Maintain records of who holds keys to Mt. Hebron house Directory editor
Order pamphlets and related supplies for new attenders Directory editor
Follow-up with new comers (e.g., send a note or make a phone call Directory editor
Coordinate simple meal, maintain meal supplies Hospitality coordinators – sign-up sheet, written procedures
Maintain/develop a Meeting library Library Coordinator
Oversee the spiritual health of the meeting, including annual state of the meeting message M&O
Visiting/caring for ill members/attenders M&O
Interviewing persons who apply for membership or marriage M&O
Facilitate formation of clearness committees as requested by members/attenders M&O
Planning social activities M&O, individual initiative, sign-up sheets
Open/set up/clean/close meeting M&O, sign-up sheet, written procedures
Greeting visitors M&O, sign-up sheet, written procedures
Nominate members/attenders to committees and functions Nominating Committee
Providing for young children’s religious education RE Committee
Providing for mid-elementary through junior high age childrens’ religious education RE Committee
Providing for teen religious education RE Committee
Providing for adult education Ad hoc/as requested of RE Committee
Promote peace and social justice To be handled during business meeting – committee of the whole.
Outreach to other Friends meetings and organizations, facilitate visitation by Friends from other meetings to our meeting (i.e., Friends traveling under a concern or visiting for the day) Item to be prepared by Susan and John for discussion at business meeting
Reach out to inform local community of our existence and beliefs, including Seeker Sessions, notices in paper and phone directory, web site, etc. Item to be prepared by Susan and John for discussion at business meeting
Planning for becoming a full meeting Needs to be a business meeting agenda item