Quaker Testimonies

  • A testimony is an outward expression of an inward leading of the Spirit, or an outward sign of what Friends believe to be an inward revelation of truth . Testimonies are an outward expression of an inward spiritual discernment, constituting faith incarnated into action. They provide the moral and ethical fruits of one’s inward life of the Spirit.    Wilmer Cooper, 2000

Testimonies bear witness to the truth as Friends in community perceive it. They arise from our way of worship, which evokes within us an affirmation and celebration of Light that illumines the spiritual longing of humanity. Through the testimonies, Friends strive for unity and integrity of inner and outer life, both in living with ourselves and others, and in living in the world.

A commonly used acronym for six of the traditional testimonies is SPICES (Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship). While this acronym is helpful in teaching and learning about our shared testimonies, our understanding of what they ask of us evolves. The Spirit still speaks, and we still listen as our times challenge us to live them out in new circumstances.

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