Category Archives: Meetings for Listening

From our “Life” page: Meetings for Listening (also called “threshing sessions”) may be called when we have particularly deep or difficult issues to address. Our experience has shown that the deep and respectful listening we do in these meetings helps us find a basis for unity and moving forward. To help facilitate that listening, no decisions are made at these meetings, but the listening we do helps inform discussions in our business meetings.

Threshing Session on Marriage

The announcement below comes from the Silent Announcements for 2/13/2000.  A report of the session will be added to this post if we ever find it.

Threshing Session On Marriage: Ministry and Oversight will lead a threshing session today, Sunday, February 13 at noon on marriage. The minutes from our November 1999 meeting for business state: “Several Friends expressed strong support for the intent of the minutes on same gender marriage circulated by Virginia Half Year Meeting, Alexandria Monthly Meeting, Charlotte Monthly Meeting, and BYM Young Friends. Some expressed concern that we be clear as to whether we are speaking of spiritual or legal matters. Some expressed concern that a minute on same gender marriage may emphasize difference rather than commonality. Friends asked M&O to organize an threshing session on marriage.” The Virginia Half Year Meeting and BYM Young Friends minutes are available for reference on the hall table.

Threshing Session on How We Can Address Peace and Social Justice Issues

The minutes from 5/2/1999 contain the item below.  A report on the threshing session will be posted if we ever find it.

10. Friends expressed concern that PPM has not been adequately addressing peace and social justice issues. The Clerk will schedule a threshing session on concerns about how PPM can take on issues of peace and social justice. This meeting would not be for the purpose of deciding the issue, nor for proposing specific projects, but to thresh the issues for meeting for business.

The silent announcements for 8/22/1999 contain the item below.

Notes from the threshing session on our Meeting’s leadings on peace and social order, held yesterday, are on the hall table.