Category Archives: Meetings for Listening

From our “Life” page: Meetings for Listening (also called “threshing sessions”) may be called when we have particularly deep or difficult issues to address. Our experience has shown that the deep and respectful listening we do in these meetings helps us find a basis for unity and moving forward. To help facilitate that listening, no decisions are made at these meetings, but the listening we do helps inform discussions in our business meetings.

Threshing Session on Financial Contributions, 2002

Minutes from 1/27/2002 contain the item below.  The report will be added to this post if we ever find it.

Report on Threshing Session of January 13, 2002

Ramona Buck wrote a Summary of the threshing session on whether or not Patapsco Preparative Meeting should give financial contributions to other peace and social justice organizations. She also wrote detailed notes about the same session. The threshing session was held in good order. The reports were accepted by the Meeting and Friends were asked to submit any changes to the detailed notes to Ramona. Names of individual members of the Meeting will be omitted from any copy of the notes that is posted on the web site. Friends approved a minute of appreciation for Ramona Buck for her hard work in facilitating the session and preparing the summary and detailed notes of the session.

Threshing Session on a Proposal to Purchase or Lease a Meetinghouse


Responding to Query #4, “When considering the idea of our meeting purchasing a building or leasing a space on a full-time basis, what are your greatest concerns? If possible, please offer suggestions about how your concerns might be resolved satisfactorily,” the following responses were evoked. Continue reading Threshing Session on a Proposal to Purchase or Lease a Meetinghouse