Category Archives: Notable Minutes

Minutes approved by the Meeting of general interest.

Spiritual Formation at Patapsco

This year, Patapsco will be having a spiritual formation program to invite us, individually and together, into a deeper experience of God’s presence through devotional readings, spiritual community and individual spiritual practices.  “Spiritual formation” can be understood as forming ourselves more fully into the persons, and the Meeting, God created us to be.

In spiritual formation programs, participants typically attend two meetings per month:

  1. a “large group” meeting of all participants in the Meeting to share reflections on a spiritual reading that all have chosen; and
  2. a “small group” spiritual friendship group—usually three to five people—who meet to share spiritual journeys and to support one another in spiritual practices, while others meet their friends at

In addition, each participant is expected to devote at least 15 minutes per day to a spiritual practice. Those who make this commitment are rewarded with a closer relationship with God and an opportunity to form deep spiritual friendships.  More information on spiritual formation programs, including suggestions for readings and daily spiritual disciplines, can be found in the Baltimore Yearly Meeting pamphlet, or at Continue reading Spiritual Formation at Patapsco

Minute on Financial Contributions to Outside Organizations – 6/3/2012

At our meeting for worship with a concern for business held on 6/3/2012, our minutes include an item relating to financial contributions to outside organizations.  This question has come up repeatedly in our meeting and was the subject of several meetings for listening over the years, including:

The relevant minute from 6/3/2012 was:

Bethanne reported that the Peace and Social Concerns (P&SC) committee met and reviewed the outcome of the threshing session on Meeting contributions to outside organizations.  The proposal from the P&SC Committee was read: Continue reading Minute on Financial Contributions to Outside Organizations – 6/3/2012

Guidelines for Scheduling First Day Noon Events, Approved 4/7/2013

Patapsco Friends Meeting

Guidelines for Scheduling First Day Noon Events

Approved 4/7/2012

Dearly beloved Friends, these things we do not lay upon you as a rule or form to walk by, but that all, with the measure of light which is pure and holy, may be guided: and so in the light walking and abiding, these may be fulfilled in the Spirit, not from the letter, for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.                                                                                 –  Advices, Elders at Balby, 1656


Patapsco Friends Meeting (PFM) strives to encourage the spiritual development of its members and attenders (“Friends”), and nurture Quaker faith and practice in today’s world.  To that end, various events are planned and presented during or after simple meal.  All Friends are encouraged to propose new events and participate in those offered.  An Events Calendar was created to help coordinate and advertise the various offerings. Continue reading Guidelines for Scheduling First Day Noon Events, Approved 4/7/2013

Threshing Session on Financial Support of Other Organizations, 2012

Notes taken at Threshing Session on
Financial Support of Other Organizations

April 15, 2012

Attended by: Ramona, Ken, Jim, Jean, Rosemary, Stuart, Terry, Bethanne, Tom, Bill.  Facilitated by the Peace and Social Concerns Committee, which provided these notes.

How can our Meeting support other Quaker and non-Quaker organizations which are in alignment with our values and beliefs? Continue reading Threshing Session on Financial Support of Other Organizations, 2012