All posts by jimrose

Saturday, July 2 Serving Lunch at Our Daily Bread in Baltimore


Join us Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm to serve at Our Daily Bread, the largest soup kitchen in Maryland. The Peace and Social Concerns Committee is organizing another opportunity for direct service.

Meet at 8am at Hebron House and carpool. We sign in, set up service, and participate in an orientation for new volunteers at 9am, lunch is from 10am – 12pm. Expect to be back to Mt. Hebron by 1pm.

Sunday, June 12 – Patapsco Friends hosts Chesapeake Quarterly meeting

Chesapeake Quarterly Meeting
Sunday, June 9, 2016, 9 am -3 pm

Chesapeake Quarterly Meeting is an association of Quaker Meetings in central and southern Maryland, including Annapolis, Baltimore-Homewood, Baltimore-Stony Run, Gunpowder, Little Falls, Patapscpo, Patuxent, Sandy Spring, South Mountain


9:00 Welcome and Light Refreshments (coffee, bagels, etc.)
9:30-10:30 Chesapeake Quarter Business Meeting, Sarah Bur, Clerk
10:30 Meeting for Worship with Patapsco Friends, Karen Ownbey, Clerk
12:00-1:30 Mexican Almuerzo (Vegan Lunch)
1:30-3:00 Program: Growing Our Meetings: Inreach, Outreach and Integrating Newcomers


Emma & Tom Byrne Peace Award

The Emma & Tom Byrne Peace Award is established to recognize Howard County students working to promote peace and peaceful resolution of conflict. The Byrnes, originally from Scotland, members of Sandy Spring Friends and Patapsco Friends Meetings, were enthusiastically involved in Peace and Conflict Resolution programs in Howard County. Of particular note is Emma Byrne’s “Peace Rap” which she performed for the youth of Howard County in schools and community events.

Many have been attracted to Quakers because of the Peace Testimony. The enthusiasm with which Friends follow their leadings to “speak truth to power” in the pursuit of peace has garnered the admiration of many. Instead of joining in actions that may lead to destruction and death, Friends urge all to cooperate to save life and strengthen the bonds of unity among all people. All are urged to create the conditions of peace, such as freedom, justice, cooperation, and the right sharing of the world’s resources, seeking not only peace with one another, but also peace with the earth.

For more information see the full description.

Sunday, Aug 16, 2015 at Noon – Guided Discussion about Racism in Baltimore

Office of Equity and Cultural Proficiency


Candice Logan-Washington, a specialist for the Office of Equity and Cultural Proficiency in Baltimore County Public Schools, will share some of the basic tenets of Critical Race Theory and how those tenets can explain the tension and violence that erupted after the murder of Freddie Gray. Please join the discussion.