11/24/2013 at Noon: Discussion on Gratitude

If the only prayer you say in your whole life is “thank you,”  that would suffice.
Meister Eckhart

Just in time for the holiday season, why not give yourself a gift!

Join us for a session on Gratitude in the dining room. We’ll focus on creating a  simple “Gratitude Practice” that is sustaining and nurturing. When you are feeling grateful you have a sweeter relationship to the universe.  You become more mindful and the world becomes a friendlier place to live in!

Every moment offers an opportunity for thanks. We’ll delve into the latest research of Dr. Robert Emmons, research psychologist at U.C.Davis and other writers. So, join us and embark on a little practice that  can make all the difference.

“Each day offer a silent prayer acknowledging yourself as a vehicle of Light, giving thanks for all that has come today”- Dhyani Ywahoo