Endorsement of Religious Petition on Marriage Equality (4/2012)

From the minutes of the meeting for worship with a concern for business, 4/1/2012:

7. Equality Maryland/Clergy Support Letter

Ken read the Maryland Faith for Equality clergy support letter, which is at http://www.equalitymaryland.org/religiouspetition[defunct link]. The sense of the meeting was in favor of signing the petition. Linda will sign the online form as clerk of the meeting. Ken considers this a first step and asked Friends for additional ideas on how to support this concern. Bethanne will bring this concern to the P&SC committee for suggestions on how to support the bill. Possible actions were to consider hosting public discussion about the referendum and to publicize the MD Faith for Equality website[defunct].

The meeting was also in agreement about notifying the Quarterly meeting clerk that we have signed and that PFM invites other meetings to consider signing the petition. In addition, PFM will ask the Quarter to consider signing as a body.