Minute on Becoming a Monthly Meeting

Approved – 4/28/2002

Patapsco Friends Meeting hereby requests to be recognized and embraced as a monthly meeting under the care of Chesapeake Quarterly Meeting and Baltimore Yearly Meeting.

A number of Friends were led from the inception of the Howard County Worship Group to form a lasting Quaker presence in this community. In 11th month 1996, we first met as a worship group under the care of Sandy Spring Friends Meeting. In 1st month 1999, we became a preparative meeting under Sandy Spring’s care.

Patapsco Friends have gathered weekly for worship, first day school, and fellowship and monthly for the conduct of business for 5 1/2 years. The meeting has attracted seekers from within and without the Quaker community, offering a sacred space for spiritual sharing, loving labor among the gathered, and moral guidance and direction for our youth. The meeting has forged alliances with local community organizations and has reached out to participate in the wider Quaker fellowship. We have developed a deeply shared sense of identity as a spiritual community. Love, unity, and mutual nurture abide among us. We give thanks for our Quaker community that has taken root and thrived in Howard County.

After a period of reflection, discussion, and spiritual discernment, we have recognized that we have been effectively functioning as an independent meeting. We have considered the responsibilities and implications of becoming a monthly meeting, and we feel clear that we are prepared to embrace them.

We are deeply grateful to Sandy Spring Friends Meeting for encouraging us to start our meeting and for nurturing and supporting us as we grew and developed. We feel we are now ready to release Sandy Spring from this responsibility and to join the community of Quaker fellowship as an independent monthly meeting.

With divine assistance, we look forward to stepping into the Light of our new openings.